Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Training 8-02-2011

Switching things up a bit on grippers and likely changing the Pinch work some starting next week as well. I tore a nice flap of skin on my Left Thumb today attempting some Blob pulls for Gripcerts.com and that is a good reminder that I may be training a little too close to my max and it is time to back the intensity / weight down some and progressively work back up. On grippers for the current training cycle I am going to shoot for a daily GTG method on Over Crushes. I took some video of the pinch work and will try to get it up later.

#1x10, #2x5
RH 159# EEx2x1 OC 5sec
LH 159# EEx2x1 Neg OC 5sec (forced in and popped open a hair)

2H Saxon DL
5x135, Blob picks RH negs LH, 3x185
2x235, 3x235, 235x2+1, 8x185

Saxon Bar Curl

Blob RH, Blob almost full pull LH

Saxon Bar BNP

Behind Back Saxon Bar Wrist curls

Saxon Bar Reverse curls

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