Monday, September 12, 2011

Training 9-10-2011 at WSH grip comp

Got in a nice training session and some good messing around lifts while I was helping with judging at the World Strongest Hands Leg 2 Grip competition on Saturday. Very happy with a number of the PR's including the Vulcan 30mm block close on Lvl 18, 260# on the Saxon bar DL, 1H pinch on the Saxon bar PR, and especially the 170# pinch clean and press on the Saxon bar. That lift is especially tough and unwieldy. My long term goal is 180# on that lift to match what Arthur Saxon is said to have done on it, with him being the namesake I named the bar after. Getting ever so much closer.

8x 50# blob standing tricep ext
Jump rope 100x

10x #1, 6x #2, 2x E3
RH 2xEE, 1xE3.5
LH 2xE3

Vulcan 30mm block
1xLvl 15
1xLvl 16
1xLvl 17
1xLvl 18

Standing Tricep Extensions Saxon bar

2H Saxon bar DL
5x210, 5x210

Euro 2hp 48mm
broke 240# a few inches off ground

Saxon bar clean and BNP

Saxon bar curls
4x90 (25# bumpers harder)

Grip topz
coin up to 35
stub up to 45 (not full lift)

1H Saxon Bar Pinch lifts
RH 2x1x90, 1x110, 1x120, 3x0x130 (broke off ground almost a foot each time)
LH 2x1x90, 1x110, 0x120

2" vBar rotations front
Standing tricep ext and Lever

LH #2x4 41X2 Tempo
RH EEx5 parallel reps.

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