Thursday, October 27, 2011

10-27-2011 Workout

I've been dealing with gut issues for the last few months among other issues and finally got into the doctor yesterday to get checked out. Also of concern was my strength levels especially in my hands had seem to have been slowly dropping for the last few weeks and all of a sudden starting monday I experienced a major drop in hand strength. As in could only get a Trainer gripper to 1" literally kind of drop. For those of you that know what that means that is big. I got referrals to a couple specialists but he seemed to think the gut issues may be Ulcerative Colitis, and that the hand issue may be some kind of nerve impingment somewhere. I'll know more after seeing the gastroenterologist and getting the nerve conduction tests done I hope. The good news is strength levels are back up some so I got a quick workout in today. Still not where I should be but definately better. Also did some DSMO on my wrists and lower forearms after the workout to help open up the tissues. Seemed to help. Here was the workout from today and BW was 257.2 this morn.

Squats (ATG)
45x12, 140x12, 185x16, 185x12

Grippers MMS reps
#Tx12, #1x20, #2x20 BH
LH E3x1, #2x12, #1x33
RH E3x6, #2x20, #1x40

Jump Rope 80x

Standing Press
5x140, 1x185, 8x140


  1. Good to hear your hand strength is coming back a little. That would worry the crap outta me dude. You'll get all this stuff figured out and be back on top in no time. I been hitting the grip the last three days, and some interesting things have happened. I'll post later!

  2. Can't wait to hear and thanks for the concern buddy.

  3. I hope they figure out what's going on. The gut issues don't sound good, let alone the strength drop. Keep us updated.
