Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Back from vacation

We made it back from vacation to Texas last week. It ended up being a pretty rough one as we all caught strep throat. The baby had it the worst and was completely miserable. 104+ fever even with tylenol and advil, wouldn't eat, drink or sleep. We ended up heading home almost a week early to get her into the doctor and more comfortable surroundings. She is doing much better now and almost back to normal eating and sleeping habits. I'm back to work today also. The other good thing that got done this weekend was getting the first coat of paint up on the walls and trim in my training room remodel. Just got to finish the paint, clean up and get the floor mats down before I can start moving things back in.


  1. Sorry to hear everyone was sick for your holiday bud.

  2. Thanks Jason, everyone is doing much better now and thats what is important.
