Thursday, July 14, 2011

Workout 7-14-2011

Today was a light gripper training day. Just grease the CNS groove. I've been experimenting with a light heavy model and want to see how it plays out as well as some of the other protocol nuances. So far so good since about 6 weeks ago when I started back training grip again I was unable to close an Average #3 RH, and a #2 was pretty hard LH. I could still close an Easy #3 at that point (#2.8 level) but just. If my estimates are correct I should be in the mid 170's RGC range or #3.5 level currently which is a pretty nice jump RH and above an Average #3 level LH, maybe  mid 150's RGC. I hope to get back up to my top levels before the end of the Fall. My bests were 195# RH BBGE MM6 Dup, and a hair from closing my Easy #3.5 (169#). With goals for the year in grippers to close a 199+ #4 RH and 169+ LH. I think it is doable, do you? My pinch goal for the year is 125Kg on the 2HP or at the very least on the Saxon bar.

#Tx10, #1x10, #2x6(RH)
RH E3x3, E3x3, E3x3, E3x3, E3x3
LH #2x4, #2x4, #2x4, #2x4, #2x4


  1. Awesome comeback to grip Aaron! Getting that pinch will be huuuuge! Good luck and I'm enjoying the blog.

  2. Thanks Jason, glad you are enjoying the blog.
